Sven Clausen

Producer (Denmark)

As Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer with DR TV (Dan­ish Broad­cast­ing Corp.) Sven Clausen became a three time Emmy win­ner for the drama series Unit One (2002), The Eagle (2005), and The Pro­tect­ors (2009). After retir­ing as pro­du­cer Sven worked through­out 2013 as Head of Fic­tion at the com­mer­cial Dan­ish TV2 and is now a con­sult­ant with major tv-series all over Scandinavia.

Sven received a spe­cial award at the Dan­ish TV-fest­iv­al 2004 and was awar­ded the Nymphe d’Or as ‘Best Inter­na­tion­al Pro­du­cer’ at Monte Carlo 2005.