
Tali Barde


Tali is a writer, dir­ect­or and pro­du­cer from Cologne, Ger­many with over 10 years of exper­i­ence in the film and tele­vi­sion industry. His award-win­ning debut film For No Eyes Only was inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed and was released in Ger­man cinemas in 2014. His most recent TV cred­its include the doc­u­ment­ary series REFUGEE ROADS and the com­edy series START THE FCK UP and VIER­WÄNDEPLUS. In 2023 he co-foun­ded THREE HEADED MON­KEY FILMS GMBH, a game stu­dio and film pro­duc­tion com­pany in one. Next to his own new film and series pro­jects, Tali is respons­ible for the expan­sion of the games divi­sion and is Game Dir­ect­or & Lead Game Design­er of the stu­di­o’s first game Ghost Haunting.