Dav­id Robert


After a career as a film edit­or, Dav­id Robert has been gradu­ated from European Con­ser­vat­ory of Script Writ­ing (CEEA, Par­is). He wrote on TF1 series HPI, Coup de Foudre à Bangkok and Tomor­row is ours, and France Télé­vi­sions shows Ouija, Mari­anne, Look­ing for the Truth, Caïn and Chron­icles of the Sun.
In 2020, he benefited from a one-month res­id­ency at the Villa Medici in Roma, to devel­op a Franco-Itali­an peri­od drama. In 2019, he was selec­ted for the Drama Series Pitch at C21Media, Con­tent LON­DON. In 2014, he received the Lagardère Foundation’s Prize for Best TV Scriptwriter.

Recent Credits:

  • Ouija, writer, Kwaï Production & Big Window Productions, France Télévisions International
  • HPI season 2, writer, Itinéraires Productions & Septembre Productions, TF1, France
  • Coup de Foudre à Bangkok, co-creator, Save Ferris Studios, TF1, France


English, French

