
Maja Pek


Maja Pek worked for vari­ous inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies in Croa­tia as an AP, line pro­du­cer, script super­visor and exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer until 2009, when she co-foun­ded Anti­tal­ent, a pro­duc­tion com­pany based in Zagreb.
At Anti­tal­ent Maja works as devel­op­ment pro­du­cer and writer on films, TV series and TV formats. She has pro­duced three short films and one fea­ture and three doc­u­ment­ary series. Cur­rently she lives in Ber­lin and is devel­op­ing TV series for the Croa­tian and Ger­man mar­ket and work­ing on co-pro­duc­tions. She par­ti­cip­ated in train­ing and net­work­ing pro­grams MID­POINT, EAVE, RE-ACT, EX Ori­ente Film, Trans Atlantic Part­ners and Ber­linale Talents.

Recent Credits:

  • Goran, feature film, producer, Antitalent, Croatia
  • Sweet Chef, documentary series, writer, director, producer, Antitalent, Croatia
  • The Last Well, short film, producer, Antitalnet, Croatia


English, Croatian
