
Mat­thi­as Schmidt


After his gradu­ation from school Mat­thi­as worked in vari­ous jobs for film and TV pro­duc­tions and also made his own films, some of them with a nation­wide recep­tion. From 2004 to 2010 he stud­ied at the Baden-Wuerttem­berg Film Academy, receiv­ing a dip­loma for both a fea­ture length screen­play (as writer) and a half-hour short film (as writer-pro­du­cer and director).

He made the mini-series EVERY YEAR AGAIN (as head­writer and dir­ect­or), a Christ­mas com­edy which aired on Ger­man tele­vi­sion in 2013. He is cur­rently dir­ect­ing the mini-series SUD­DENLY APO­CA­LYPSE, about a pro­vin­cial fam­ily and the end of the world.

He is also attached as dir­ect­or to a TV Movie about a man fight­ing fun­da­ment­al Chris­ti­ans, as writer to vari­ous new con­cepts for TV series and as writer-dir­ect­or to a fea­ture film comedy.



German, English