Michaela Str­nad


Michaela stud­ied theatre dram­at­urgy at VŠMU (Slov­akia), DAMU (Czech Repub­lic) and scriptwrit­ing at UCLA (Los Angeles).  In 2014 Michaela moved to Ber­lin to be part of the Seri­al Eyes pro­gramme. She works as a freel­ance writer and cre­at­ive pro­du­cer and cur­rently has sev­er­al pro­jects in dif­fer­ent stages (3 fea­ture films in pro­duc­tion and 3 TV series in devel­op­ment). Michaela also works as a pitch train­er (Sara­jevo Film Fest­iv­al, Seri­al Eyes – DFFB, Séries Mania – Writers Cam­pus, Mid­point work­shops, Odessa Inter­na­tion­al Film fest­iv­al, Ant­a­lya Film Forum).

Recent Credits:

  • The Perfect World, writer, TV NOVA, CME Group, Czech Republic
  • Černé vdovy, writer, Endemol, TV JoJ, Czech Republic
  • A Year with Fulbright, documentary series, creative producer, writer, Česká Televize, Czech Republic


Slovak, Czech, English

