
Korb­in­ian Hamberger


Korb­in­ian Ham­ber­ger gradu­ated from Seri­al Eyes in 2015. His Seri­al Eyes pro­ject THE CON­STABLE was optioned mul­tiple times. He also wrote mul­tiple epis­odes for ZDF’s icon­ic crime fran­chise SOKO, includ­ing SOKO MUNICH and SOKO WIS­MAR. Korb­in­ian also wrote for ZDF on JUST PUSH ABUBA, win­ner of mul­tiple inter­na­tion­al WEB COM­EDY AWARDS. In 2018 his ori­gin­al screen­play for MARCO POLO AND THE SECRET OF GENGHIS KHAN was AWAR­DED 25,000 Euros in fund­ing. In late 2018 Korb­in­ian wrote five epis­odes for the second sea­son THE TRAVELS OF YOUNG MARCO POLO for the Ger­man chan­nel KiKA. For sev­er­al years he’s been in a head writ­ing pos­i­tion on the drama series DAHOAM IS DAHOAM, win­ner of the BAV­ARI­AN TELE­VI­SION AWARD. In 2013 Korb­in­ian par­ti­cip­ated in the Pro­fes­sion­al Pro­gram in Pro­du­cing at UCLA. In 2020/2021 he wrote for NET­FLIX series KITZ and developed his drama/​thriller pro­ject LOVE KILLS for Ger­man stream­er JOYN. In 2021 Korb­in­ian penned an epis­ode for ARD’s crime hit WATZMANN ERMIT­TELT, which scored the show’s highest view­er­ship so far. In 2022 Korb­in­ian wrote mul­tiple epis­odes for the med­ic­al drama KRANK for APPLE and ZDFand developed the high-speed action drama The Chase with Wild­sheep Con­tent’s Erik Bar­mack (Money Heist, Elite, Dark) and Frightzone’s Ben­jamin Muntz (Blood Red Sky). Korb­in­ian is cur­rently devel­op­ing a peri­od drama for RTL PLUS. He speaks and works in Eng­lish and Ger­man and is rep­res­en­ted by CAA in Los Angeles and gattys glob­al in Munich.

Recent Credits:

  • (amongst others)
  • THE CONSTABLE (period drama)
  • TIC LIKE TIM (romantic comedy)
  • LOVE KILLS (thriller)
  • KITZ (young adult drama NETFLIX)
  • KRANK BERLIN (medical drama APPLE)


German, English