
Big Light Pro­duc­tions Appren­tice­ship Recip­i­ent Announced

Frank Spotnitz’s Big Light Pro­duc­tions has selec­ted Romani­an screen­writer and dir­ect­or Geo Doba as the recip­i­ent of its annu­al writers’ appren­tice­ship, which is now in its fifth year.

As part of the appren­tice­ship, Doba will now take part in a place­ment work­ing along­side Spot­nitz, cre­at­ive dir­ect­or Emily Feller and oth­er mem­bers of Big Light Pro­duc­tions, which is the pro­duc­tion com­pany behind dra­mas includ­ing Leonardo, The Man in the High Castle and Medici.

The annu­al appren­tice­ship aims to give writers hands-on prac­tic­al exper­i­ence and skills, and is open to writers tak­ing the Seri­al Eyes post­gradu­ate train­ing pro­gramme for TV writers and pro­du­cers. Spot­nitz has been a tutor for the Ber­lin-based pro­gramme since it star­ted in 2013 and launched the Big Light Pro­duc­tions appren­tice­ship five years ago to deep­en the company’s com­mit­ment to sup­port­ing upcom­ing writers.

Doba’s port­fo­lio includes short films The Apart­ment and Nol­lib­rot, both of which she wrote and dir­ec­ted, in addi­tion to crime series pilot adapt­a­tion Lost Beauty.

“We feel strongly that we have a duty to sup­port new and emer­ging writers, and as a pro­du­cer it’s incred­ibly excit­ing to hear the new stor­ies and voices that are com­ing through,” said Spot­nitz and Feller in a joint statement.

“Geo is a very excit­ing new voice, and we’re pleased to have her join our team here at Big Light at the start of what I’m sure will be an amaz­ing writ­ing career.”