
Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series starts into the next Round

SERI­AL EYES launches the second round of their work­shop Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series in April 2024. We are very delighted to intro­duce our six incred­ibly tal­en­ted authors who are part of the workshop.

From April 3, 2024 – June 3, 2024, the par­ti­cipants will devel­op their series in a detailed pro­gram under the guid­ance of Corinne Le Hong in close col­lab­or­a­tion with SERI­AL EYES. The aim of the pro­gram is to provide a plat­form for and pro­mote under­rep­res­en­ted groups in the media industry.

We look for­ward to new and enrich­ing stor­ies and ideas and wish DAV­ID BEN­TIGUI UAustria/​Ivory Coast), THEO BOGUSLAW (Sweden/​Poland), LETÍ­CIA FUDIS­SAKU (Brazil), ROSHANE MCFIELD (Cay­man Islands/​Jamaica), ZERO PIL­NIK (Brazil/​Germany), and MAJ WEID­LICH (Ger­many) good luck and inspiration.

Digit­al short form series (a.k.a. web series) are shows designed for the inter­net with epis­odes ran­ging from 1 to 20 minutes. Fam­ous examples are HIGH MAIN­TEN­ANCE and THE MIS­AD­VEN­TURES OF AWK­WARD BLACK GIRL, which both became dram­edy series with four resp. five sea­sons (INSEC­URE) on HBO. The work­shop teaches seri­al storytelling and the tech­nique of col­lab­or­at­ive writ­ing in the writers’ room in a con­densed form thanks to the short format at its center.