

This year we are rack­ing up the body count!

Since 2018 Seri­al Eyes has been part of the pan-European “Detect­ing Transcul­tur­al Iden­tity in European Pop­u­lar Crime Nar­rat­ives” (DETECt) Pro­ject, a three-year research pro­ject that brings togeth­er uni­ver­sit­ies and edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions from France, Bel­gi­um, Italy, Greece, Romania, Den­mark, and Ger­many. Seri­al Eyes will design an online webin­ar for writ­ing TV crime series this year and host a scriptwrit­ing com­pet­i­tion in 2020/21.

For this reas­on, a num­ber of our work­shops and extra­cur­ricular events will be geared towards examin­ing what makes crime work on tele­vi­sion. In con­junc­tion with our research part­ners, we want to design new approaches to instruc­tion in order to redefine (crime) writ­ing in this new age of European TV.