Cyn­thia Okoye

Agent (UK)

Cyn­thia Okoye joined Curtis Brown in 2008 hav­ing gradu­ated from the Uni­ver­sity of Not­ting­ham with a degree in Law (LLB).

She ini­tially worked with agent Aman­da Dav­is across her bril­liant list of writers and dir­ect­ors in the theatre, film and tele­vi­sion depart­ment before set­ting up her own list. Her mis­sion is to find and rep­res­ent unique film­mak­ing tal­ent and enable them to build careers in the UK film and tele­vi­sion industry, and bey­ond. Her list is an eclect­ic range of writ­ing and dir­ect­ing tal­ent. From the very new to the very estab­lished. From smart char­ac­ter-based com­edy to bold drama and ima­gin­at­ive, dis­tinct­ive sur­pris­ing ways of storytelling. Her cli­ents work across film, TV and occa­sion­ally theatre, and include Mickey Down (HBO’s INDUSTRY), Shola Amoo (THE LAST TREE), Tom Mor­an (THE DEV­IL’S HOUR), and Francesca Gregorini (THE DRO­POUT, KILLING EVE).