
Daniela Baumgärtl

Writer (Germany)

Daniela Baumgärtl is a Ber­lin-based writer for TV series and fea­ture films. She has worked for Net­flix, Dis­ney+, SKY, ARD, ZDF and many oth­ers. 

After study­ing at the theatre, film and media depart­ment of Vienna Uni­ver­sity, Daniela stud­ied screen­writ­ing at the film school HFF Kon­rad Wolf in Pots­dam-Babels­berg from 2007 to 2012. In 2014/15, she was par­ti­cipant of Seri­al Eyes.  

She is cur­rently co-cre­at­ing her own series togeth­er with fel­low Seri­al Eyes alumna Kim Zim­mer­mann, is a writer for an upcom­ing Dis­ney+ series, and has just fin­ished the screen­play for a TATORT, the notori­ously fam­ous Ger­man crime seri­al, as well as an Aus­tri­an-Ger­man hor­ror fea­ture film.  

She is also one of the core tutors at the Series Mania Insti­tute in Lille.