Derek Wax

Director/Producer (UK)

Derek Wax is a multi-award win­ning  Brit­ish tele­vi­sion pro­du­cer, and Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Wild Mer­cury Pro­duc­tions. Wild Mercury’s 6 part ori­gin­al eco-thrill­er THE RIG launched on Amazon Prime Video in Janu­ary 2023, and became a glob­al hit, receiv­ing a series 2 recom­mis­sion.  

The second series has just fin­ished film­ing in Edin­burgh. Derek was also recently Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer on Wild Mercury’s true crime mini series THE SIXTH COM­MAND­MENT, which launched in sum­mer 2023 on BBC One and i play­er to crit­ic­al acclaim and is cur­rently BBC’s second highest rat­ing drama of the year.

Derek’s past pro­duc­tions include SEX TRAFFIC, OCCU­PA­TION, THE HOUR, TROY: FALL OF A CITY, CAP­IT­AL, LIP SER­VICE, FROM THERE TO HERE and HUMANS. He star­ted his career dir­ect­ing in Lon­don-based theatres, before mov­ing to BBC to work as a script edit­or in TV series devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion. He was a pro­du­cer at Granada TV from 2001–2005 and an exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer at Kudos from 2005–2016. He left Kudos to launch his new label Wild Mer­cury Pro­duc­tions in 2017, under Endemol Shine Group, now part of Ban­i­jay UK.  

Wax´s first major work came as a pro­du­cer of the BAF­TA nom­in­ated single drama FLESH AND BLOOD­for BBC2 in 2002. This was fol­lowed by the Chan­nel 4 series SEX TRAFFIC, which won 8 BAF­TA awards in 2005, includ­ing Best Mini Series, also the Prix Italia. His first role as an exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer came on the BBC and HBO mini-series, TSUNAMI: THE AFTER­MATH. In 2009, he exec­ut­ive pro­duced the BAF­TA and Prix Europa win­ning Iraq war BBC mini-series, OCCU­PA­TION, which also won Best Mini Series at the Broad­cast­ing Press Guild, fol­lowed by two sea­sons of the Emmy win­ning and Gold Globe nom­in­ated THE HOUR for BBC2, and two sea­sons of Glas­gow based cult series LIP SER­VICE for BBC3, FROM THERE TO HERE, a 3 part fam­ily sage for BBC 1 and  BBC min­iser­ies CAP­IT­AL, which won the Inter­na­tion­al Emmy for Best Mini Series in 2016. Between 2014–2018 he was EP on three sea­sons of the ground­break­ing BAF­TA nom­in­ated Chan­nel 4 and AMC hit futur­ist­ic series HUMANS, which became Chan­nel 4’s highest rated drama in 23 years when it launched in 2015, and TROY: FALL OF A CITY for BBC One and Net­flix.