Flavia Cit­rigno

Project Manager

Flavia is the first of her South Itali­an fam­ily to be born in Rome, in 1992. In high school, she majored in for­eign lan­guages (not Ger­man, unfor­tu­nately) and spent a year in Chongqing, the biggest Chinese city. Since then, she has not been in Asia.

Focus­ing on Europe instead, she made the most of the oppor­tun­it­ies giv­en to her by the European Uni­on. She gradu­ated in His­tory at the Sor­bonne in Par­is, later spe­cial­iz­ing in con­tem­por­ary His­tory in Ger­many (Uni­ver­sity of Pots­dam) and Poland (Nic­olaus Coper­ni­cus Uni­ver­sity in Tor­uń). Fin­ish­ing her stud­ies in 2019, she worked in vari­ous museums and memori­al sites, host­ing edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams focus­sing on anti-racist approaches.

In 2022, Flavia made the leap into the world of tele­vi­sion and has not regret­ted it since. As Edu­ca­tion Man­ager of the UFA GmbH in Pots­dam she organ­ized the annu­al in-house train­ing pro­gram for the pro­duc­tion company´s employ­ees. Since July 2023, Flavia works at the DFFB as Seri­al Eyes pro­ject man­ager. Her job is to make sure that the yearly twelve Seri­al Eyes screen­writers, the dozens of lec­tur­ers and speak­ers from the industry as well as the more than 100 alumni are on board and can make the most of the programme.

It is her per­son­al mis­sion to ensure that Seri­al Eyes con­tin­ues to pro­duce amaz­ing screen­writers who end up cre­at­ing the series she enjoys binge-watch­ing at home in Pots­dam with her two cats.