Jen­nifer Anschütz

Business Affairs Specialist (Germany)

Jen­nifer is a busi­ness affairs spe­cial­ist and founder of Folk­lore Tele­vi­sion, which provides busi­ness affairs con­sult­ing and man­age­ment ser­vices to inter­na­tion­al co-pro­duc­tions, espe­cially pro­duc­tions that involve com­plex fin­an­cing and deal­mak­ing scen­ari­os, US / inter­na­tion­al guilds, or resid­uals. She focuses on identi­fy­ing oppor­tun­it­ies to save money while max­im­ising profits, as well as identi­fy­ing and man­aging crit­ic­al busi­ness and leg­al risks. Jen­nifer has a back­ground in tele­vi­sion pro­duc­tion and man­age­ment, which is bal­anced against her US law degrees from both UCLA and UC Hast­ings, plus a mas­ter­’s degree in cre­at­ive writ­ing. Her exper­i­ence includes in-house work at sev­er­al major US stu­di­os (includ­ing NBCUni­ver­sal and Dis­ney), as well as an inter­na­tion­al dis­trib­ut­or and a Ger­man streamer.