Kirsten Loose

Writer (Germany)

After study­ing Cul­tur­al Stud­ies and Aes­thet­ic Prac­tices at Hildesheim Uni­ver­sity, Kirsten star­ted her career in TV writ­ing ques­tions for a quiz show and work­ing in the script depart­ments of vari­ous weekly drama series. For almost a dec­ade she served as cre­at­ive pro­du­cer for creator/​showrunner Hans W. Geis­sen­do­er­fer and his show LINDEN­STRASSE. She also provided script con­sult­ing for fea­ture film pro­jects and developed audi­ence design strategies for them.

In 2017 Kirsten co-wrote the award-win­ning web series STAGE FRIGHT. Since then she has joined numer­ous series pro­duc­tions as writer (UNSERE WUN­DERBARE JAHRE/ ARD, DOK­T­OR BAL­LOUZ / ZDF, HABIBI BABA BOOM / Dis­ney+) and script con­sult­ant (SOULS / Sky Ger­many, win­ner of Best Screen­play at Can­neser­ies 2022).