
Michaela Sabo

Writer (Slovakia)

Michaela stud­ied at VŠMU (Slov­akia), DAMU (Czech Repub­lic) and UCLA (Los Angeles). In 2014, Michaela moved to Ber­lin to be part of a Seri­al-Eyes pro­gram. An intens­ive 8‑month post­gradu­ate course on TV writ­ing and show run­ning based in Ber­lin. Michaela found her net­work dur­ing the stud­ies and is cur­rently liv­ing in Ber­lin. Michaela was part of the EPI European TV Drama Series Lab in the year 2013.

Apart from her own work as a freel­ance writer and cre­at­ive pro­du­cer (five TV series already aired, sev­er­al fea­ture film and TV series pro­jects in dif­fer­ent stages of devel­op­ment or pro­duc­tion) Michaela is also work­ing as a pitch­ing train­er (Sara­jevo Film Fest­iv­al, Seri­al Eyes – DFFB, Series Mania – Writers Cam­pus, Mid­point work­shops, Odessa Inter­na­tion­al Film fest­iv­al, Ant­a­lya Film For­um, Tallinn Black Nights, etc.). Since 2021 Michaela is the Head of Stud­ies of Can­neser­ies Institute.