Rob Wil­li­ams

Writer (UK)

Rob Wil­li­ams was Cre­at­ive Dir­ect­or at Pen­guin Books before join­ing the BBC Writers Academy in 2008 and writ­ing on all the BBC´s con­tinu­ing drama series. He has since worked on DCI BANKS, cre­ated CHAS­ING SHAD­OWS for ITV and spent two sea­sons on Amazon´s THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE work­ing in writers rooms in Lon­don and L.A. After writ­ing and storylin­ing on the first sea­son of KILLING EVE, Rob cre­ated, wrote and exec­ut­ive pro­duced THE VIC­TIM for BBC1, which was nom­in­ated for BAF­TA in 2020. SCREW, an ori­gin­al series for Chan­nel 4, and SUS­PI­CION for Apple TV+, were both broad­cast in early 2022. Rob has just fin­ished film­ing the second series of SCREW  in Glasgow.