Stefanie Ren

Writer (Taiwan, Germany)

Stefanie Ren, born in 1987 in Pingtung/​Taiwan, grew up as the child of a Chinese fath­er and a Ger­man moth­er in the Black Forest. She stud­ied screen­writ­ing at the Fil­makademie Baden-Württem­berg. Her short films won over 70 awards, includ­ing screen­ings in Cannes at Short Tiger and a nom­in­a­tion for the Ger­man Short Film Award for ICH BIN’S. HELMUT. She received the Baden Württem­berg Schol­ar­ship and par­ti­cip­ated in the Hol­ly­wood Work­shop at UCLA, where she gained insight into a Writers Room at HBO.

In 2013 she wrote her first nov­el DAS HOCHZEIT­S­PRIN­ZIP, which was pub­lished as an eBook by Res­id­en­zver­lag. She was head writer of RTL sit­com NICHT TOT ZU KRIE­GEN, which was nom­in­ated for the Ger­man Com­edy Award 2017 as best series. Her first fea­ture film CLEO had its world premiere at Ber­linale 2019, won sev­er­al prizes and was nom­in­ated for the best screen­play award KINDER­TI­GER. Her Net­flix film FÜR JOJO had its world premiere at Filmfest München 2022 and was nom­in­ated for the Bernd Burge­meister TV Pro­duc­tion Award. She is also head writer of Thriller/​Drama A THIN LINE, a Para­mount+ series, which had it’s inter­na­tion­al premiere at Series Mania Fest­iv­al 2023.

Stefanie is cur­rently writ­ing a hor­ror film called BABETTE, for which she and her co-writer were nom­in­ated at renowned Thomas Strittmat­ter Screen­play Award 2023, and has sev­er­al TV shows as Showrun­ner in development.