Taç Romey


Prof. Taç Romey is an expert in storytelling, dram­at­urgy, and film. With a back­ground in act­ing, dir­ect­ing, and dram­at­urgy from the Brown Uni­ver­sity in the USA, he has developed numer­ous series and films, writ­ten scripts, and dir­ec­ted pro­duc­tions. Taç is the founder and CEO of the Phantom­film GmbH in Munich and Ams­ter­dam, where he pro­duced the award-win­ning Amazon series DER LACK IST AB. He is also a pro­fess­or of seri­al storytelling at the HFF Munich, where he teaches storytelling, char­ac­ter devel­op­ment, and scriptwrit­ing. His pro­jects have received sev­er­al nom­in­a­tions and awards, includ­ing the Inter­na­tion­al Emmy and the Ger­man Tele­vi­sion Award.