
Final Pitch Sea­son 10!

On May 11, the tenth edi­tion of Seri­al Eyes came to a close with a suc­cess­ful Final Pitch at Soho House Ber­lin. The par­ti­cipants pitched their pro­jects to a room full of lead­ing industry figures.

The Final Pitch kicked off with Madeleine Féret-Fleury present­ing STAR­LETTES, a Cannes set peri­od drama about a group of four young aspir­ing act­resses des­per­ate to make it in the glam­or­ous world of Cinema. Dekel Nitzan fol­lowed with an Israel-set crime drama, SAC­RED WORK, fol­low­ing Adan, a petty, heart­less thief, and his older, viol­ent broth­er, Boaz. GODS AT HOME by Fab­riz­io Cost­antini was up next. This comed­ic sit­com focuses on the lives of a fam­ily of mega­lo­ma­ni­ac and has-been Roman gods liv­ing togeth­er in an apart­ment block in present-day Rome. The first pitch­ing ses­sion was brought to a close by Sarah Offringa, who presen­ted THE FOUND­LING, a mys­tery thrill­er about the return of beloved child act­ress Cam­ille Kat­man who sud­denly returns 20 years after disappearing.

Aman­da Gicharu brought us back after the break with TREAS­URE, a con­tem­por­ary fantasy action-adven­ture about a dar­ing heist to steal an arte­fact back from Buck­ing­ham Palace. DARK MAT­TER by Ros­sella di Campli was up next. This Sci-Fi Hor­ror Drama deals with the after­math of a sci­ence exper­i­ment gone wrong. Joona Kivir­inta presen­ted MELT, a Sci-Fi series about the effects of cli­mate cata­strophe and eco­nom­ic dis­par­ity. The block was closed by György Baráthy, who pitched HOME, a heart­warm­ing drama series about four queer char­ac­ters liv­ing in the same Ber­lin apart­ment, but dur­ing four dif­fer­ent dec­ades of the last hun­dred years.

Joe Kienast opened the final pitch­ing block with WHEN RAIN FALLS…, a thrill­er about an Afro-Ger­man Only Fans cre­at­or tak­ing mat­ters into her own hands to find her miss­ing foster sis­ter. ARIS­TOKRATENE by Paša Pet­ro­vić was up next, which fol­lows four middle-aged sub­urb­an dads as they reunite to relive their 90s days of infamy as a black met­al band. Rafael Alberto Gar­ci­olo pitched FIN­STER­FELDE, about a dis­graced cop who moves back to his child­hood vil­lage only to uncov­er dark secrets there. This year’s Final Pitch was roun­ded out by Sára Zeitham­mer­ová, who pitched AMER­IC­AN DREAM, a drama about how online romance scam des­troys but ulti­mately brings togeth­er a dys­func­tion­al family.

If you are inter­ested in see­ing the pitches, they can be viewed here.