Seri­al Eyes Cycle 4 came to an end with a bang. The Seri­al Eyes Final Pitch on May 11 at Soho House Ber­lin was atten­ded by around 70 guests – pro­du­cers, broad­casters and agents, who came from all over Europe to finally get a taste of the new tele­vi­sion series pro­jects developed by our twelve participants.

After a warm wel­come from DFFB dir­ect­or Ben Gib­son, Jimmy Des­marais from Atlantique Pro­duc­tions and Felix von Boehm from Lupa Pro­duc­tions briefly talked about the chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies await­ing this new crop of writers in the con­tem­por­ary TV land­scape. It was a hope­ful note to start the day with!

After that, it was show­time for our par­ti­cipants. The 12 series pitches, which were truly diverse in genre, tone and theme, had been developed for eight months under the watch­ful guid­ance of our top-notch tutors and lec­tur­ers. And now the industry got to hear them for the first time!

Paolo Bern­ar­del­li star­ted the ses­sion with his crime drama, The Base­ment, which fea­tures a young, female detect­ive who invest­ig­ates a crime ring in con­tem­por­ary Mil­an with the help of an unlikely asso­ci­ate. Arne Ahrens fol­lowed up with his crime drama, Two Man Insti­tu­tion, set in Ber­lin of 1990, that brings togeth­er a cor­rupt police­man from the West and a former Stasi agent from the East in a joint invest­ig­a­tion dur­ing the peri­od lead­ing up to the Ger­man reuni­fic­a­tion. For some light­er fare, Cam­ille Couasse’s fam­ily com­edy, Cheeky, intro­duced the audi­ence to the cheeky world of young Lola, who struggles to find love while she must man­age her family’s busi­ness – a porn com­pany. Juan Ort­iz closed out the first set of pitches with his polit­ic­al drama, Agent Pro­vocateur, about an under­cov­er police­man torn between his mis­sion as a cop and his pas­sion as an envir­on­ment­al activist.

After the first break, Ruddy-Wil­li­ams Kabuiku took us to 1960’s France with his polit­ic­al thrill­er, Mr. França­frique, about a young French black man who joins the French secret ser­vice in Africa. Judit Anna Banhazi’s super­nat­ur­al thrill­er, The Cross­ing, trans­por­ted the audi­ence to the dark mys­ter­ies loom­ing below Bud­apest and the thin line between life and death. For a change of tone and place, Céline Decoox took us to Lon­don with her com­edy, Butt, the story of TV pro­du­cer Mimi, who hires a former boy­friend to work as the butt double for her cur­rent act­or-boy­friend. Stay­ing in Lon­don, albeit in a dif­fer­ent time peri­od, Anne-Mar­ie Angelo presen­ted her his­tor­ic­al drama, Flap­pers, the story of four young women fight­ing for their own lib­er­a­tion in the after­math of World War I.

After lunch, Dav­ide Serino car­ried us off to the Etern­al City with Cres­cendo, a con­tem­por­ary drama about two young friends and com­posers who struggle to find suc­cess in the unex­pec­tedly wild and sump­tous world of clas­sic­al music. Storm Sigal-Bat­testi rewound the clock to the Age of the Con­quista­dores with his his­tor­ic­al drama, Azteca, and told us the true story behind the legend of Hernan Cortez. Emily Rhodes showed us a glimpse of the future with her sci-fi drama, Halfway House, the story of a rehab­il­it­a­tion cen­ter for tech-addicts. Finally, Mar­ine Lachenaud returned us to present-day France with her com­edy, The Wall, in which the freshly-elec­ted may­or of a small vil­lage faces the unusu­al chal­lenge of hav­ing to keep his elec­tion promises.

It was a day of big stor­ies and excit­ing, new worlds. After the pitches, the audi­ence got a chance to chat with these young cre­at­ors about their ideas and to get to know them a little better.

We couldn’t be hap­pi­er with the event, and wish to thank all our guests and friends for their par­ti­cip­a­tion, our tutors, teach­ers and ment­ors for their invalu­able con­tri­bu­tions, our part­ners for their con­tin­ued sup­port, and, above all, the Seri­al Eyes Class of 2016/17 – an excep­tion­ally cre­at­ive and tal­en­ted bunch of twelve writers from whom you’ll, no doubt, be hear­ing great things soon. More inform­a­tion on all the pro­jects can be found here.