It was a very intense time for our par­ti­cipants: screen­ings, pan­els, meet­ings and parties (and that pilot out­line dead­line) … the Seri­al Eyes par­ti­cipants atten­ded the fourth Ber­linale Drama Series Days at the Zoo Palast Ber­lin. Seri­al Eyes core tutor Frank Spot­nitz and Israeli writer-dir­ect­or Ker­en Mar­galit inaug­ur­ated the three-day pro­gramme, which encom­passed mar­ket screen­ings, show­cases and premi­eres of new tele­vi­sion series.
This year’s Dirty Mar­tini Party, which has turned into a beloved tra­di­tion and one of the best occa­sions to recon­nect with the entire Seri­al Eyes com­munity, was organ­ized by the Dirty Dozen Writers’ Col­lect­ive, the Seri­al Eyes Alumni Net­work (SEAN) and Seri­al Eyes, with the kind sup­port of Klaus Zim­mer­mann and Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion. Seri­al Eyes wishes to thank all the attend­ing guests and, of course, our part­ners-in-crime, The Dirty Dozen and SEAN, for the great col­lab­or­a­tion. See you at Series Mania in May!