
Roar­ing Suc­cess at the Final Pitch!

We are proud to announce the con­clu­sion of anoth­er suc­cess­ful cycle of Seri­al Eyes! The fifth edi­tion of the pro­gramme ended on May 17 with a bril­liant pitch event at the Soho House Ber­lin. Almost 80 guests atten­ded the ses­sion – pro­du­cers, broad­casters and agents arrived from dif­fer­ent parts of Europe to find out about the new TV series that our par­ti­cipants have developed over the past nine months. And the Seri­al Eyes par­ti­cipants hit the ball out of the park!

After a warm wel­come by DFFB dir­ect­or Ben Gib­son and a key­note address by Real Film’s man­aging dir­ect­or Hen­ning Kamm, we quickly moved to the first participant’s pitch. Daniel Hend­ler star­ted the day with his pro­ced­ur­al series Exit Coun­sel about a very spe­cial type of coun­sel­lor who breaks people out of mind-con­trolling groups. Full of energy, Heidi Baletic’s I’m Not Angry took us into the world of an angry Lon­don single mum, who has to con­trol her rage impulses in order to retain cus­tody of her daugh­ter. Harry Ayi­ot­is’ The Second is set in a dysto­pi­an, post-Brexit UK where duelling to the death is brought back as a means to rein­state hon­our and justice. Dean Movshovitz closed out the first set with his fam­ily drama The Com­mit­tee, the story of two Jew­ish broth­ers try­ing to pro­tect their fam­ily in Nazi-occu­pied Poland.

Bar­bara Kronenberg’s Me, Myself & Who? opened the second block of the Final Pitch. Her dram­edy about a young ath­lete who finds out she is neither a man nor a woman is the story of a quest for per­son­al and sexu­al iden­tity. Sci-fi could not be absent from the great vari­ety of pro­jects. Tali Barde presen­ted The Cre­at­or, the story of an ambi­tious and cyn­ic­al pro­gram­mer who builds a sim­u­lated vir­tu­al real­ity only to see her son’s con­scious­ness trapped inside. Isaure Pis­ani-Ferry brought us to the charm­ing winer­ies of the Loire val­ley with Wine­makers, the story of a young second-gen­er­a­tion immig­rant wine-for­ger seek­ing to repro­duce the glor­i­ous Grand Cru once pro­duced by this region. Con­ser­vat­ive and pro­gress­ive ideo­lo­gies clash in the polit­ic­al tale cre­ated by Samuel Jef­fer­son, Inde­pend­ent. The series focuses on a gay act­or, run­ning inde­pend­ently as can­did­ate for Lon­don May­or, and his major polit­ic­al rival, who hap­pens to be his moth­er – the cur­rent Prime Min­is­ter of Great Britain.

After the lunch break, Jan­ina Dahse pitched The Bet­ter­manns, the story of a TV pro­du­cer forced to con­front her hated moth­er, a former Ger­man TV star, and their dirty fam­ily secrets in the real­ity TV busi­ness. After­wards, Ivan Knezevic presen­ted his dark com­edy The Vow, about a female law­yer whose past catches up with her when her fath­er, the head of prom­in­ent crime fam­ily, unex­pec­tedly dies. Beatrice Huber’s darkly funny series Nopo­ca­lypse deals with ques­tions of respons­ib­il­ity against the back­drop of an apo­ca­lypse that did not hap­pen. Last but not least, Bern­ardo Pel­legrini presen­ted Mat­ter, a sci­ence drama set in the sev­en­ties that deals with nation­al rival­ries for sci­entif­ic primacy and the ambi­tions of an obsessed physicist.

After the pitches the guests had the chance to net­work and talk to the par­ti­cipants about their pro­jects in a relaxed get-togeth­er. You can find more inform­a­tion on the pro­jects here. You can also find details on the digit­al series and pro­ced­ur­al series pro­jects developed in the Seri­al Eyes writers’ rooms, in col­lab­or­a­tion with industry part­ners Vivendi and RTL.

It was a great event, and we would like to thank all our guests and friends for their par­ti­cip­a­tion and our part­ners for the con­tin­ued sup­port. A heart­felt thank you goes to our tutors, lec­tur­ers and ment­ors, whose guid­ance has been cru­cial in the devel­op­ment of these pro­jects. Con­grat­u­la­tions to our class of 2017/18 – a very tal­en­ted and cre­at­ive group, with whom we enjoyed work­ing thor­oughly these past nine months.