Sea­son Six – It’s On!

On 3 Septem­ber 2018 the sixth edi­tion of Seri­al Eyes kicked off under a Ber­lin late sum­mer sky. Since then, the twelve par­ti­cipants from Ger­many, UK, Italy, Mace­do­nia, Rus­sia, France and Sweden have exper­i­enced quite a lot already: brain­storm­ing and idea-gen­er­at­ing ses­sions for the indi­vidu­al pro­jects with tutors Donna Sharpe, Nic­ola Lusuardi and Cyril Tysz.

It hasn’t been all hard work, though. The group prac­tised their team-work­ing skills in their first writers’ room sim­u­la­tion. Under the aus­pices of exper­i­enced head writers Jana Burbach and Nikolaus Schulz-Dorn­burg (SE 2014/15), the group broke stor­ies for new epis­odes of the second sea­son of the web-series Just Push Abuba.

The fol­low­ing week, cre­ativ­ity flowed with DFFB head of Screen­writ­ing Ellis Free­man; RTL’s Head of Fic­tion Phil­ipp Stef­fens dis­cussed the chal­lenges facing ter­restri­al broad­casters today; and showrun­ner Anna Wing­er wel­comed them in her Deutsch­land 86 writers’ room!

Inter­ested in the new bunch? More inform­a­tion here.