
Seri­al Eyes – Kick-off Sea­son 11

The next gen­er­a­tion of Seri­al Eyes par­ti­cipants joined the pro­gramme in Septem­ber. Hail­ing from 11 dif­fer­ent coun­tries, our highly skilled par­ti­cipants are already tak­ing their first steps in the devel­op­ment of their own innov­at­ive series pro­jects. Dis­cov­er more about them and their very indi­vidu­al back­grounds HERE.

In addi­tion to the next gen­er­a­tion of Seri­al Eyes, we are pleased to announce four new Industry Part­ners who are join­ing the Seri­al Eyes fam­ily this year: Con­stantin Tele­vi­sion, The Walt Dis­ney Com­pany Ger­many, Aud­ible and Medi­awan. This fam­ily also includes our long-time industry part­ners Atlantique Pro­duc­tions, Big Light Pro­duc­tions, Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion, Real Film, and Sky Deutsch­land as well as the European Cre­at­ive Europe Media fund­ing and Medi­en­board Ber­lin Brandenburg.