
So why apply? Seri­al Eyes cur­rent par­ti­cipants share their pro­gramme insights

Giord­ana Mari, Italy
Work­ing in writers’ rooms with authors from all over Europe widens your hori­zons. Writers’ rooms have their rules and you have to exper­i­ence them to learn how to use them. Being part of a writers’ room will give you a great chance to train the muscles of act­ive dia­logue, foster your capa­city of com­prom­ise and to listen. In the end, you will know how to give space to your voice and match it with that of the oth­ers – that’s magic! If you’ve worked before and you’re in that moment of every career where things seem to need a shake up… well, Seri­al Eyes is your per­fect earthquake.

Lukas Sig­mund, Slovakia
One of the most import­ant things in the pro­gramme are my fel­low class­mates. Just being in one room with people that share the same pas­sion, have the same drive and are inspir­ing and sup­port­ive, is one of the nicest exper­i­ences in my writ­ing career so far. The atmo­sphere of cooper­a­tion, accept­ance and the motiv­a­tion to push myself fur­ther is the mind­set I was lacking.

Mar­lene Mel­chi­or, UK & Germany
If you are a screen­writer look­ing to con­nect with­in the European mar­ket, Seri­al Eyes is an invalu­able exper­i­ence that opens doors and inspires. Highly recom­men­ded to emer­ging writers look­ing for a ser­i­ous career boost.

Nir Ber­ger, Israel
I applied to Seri­al Eyes to explore work­ing out­side of my home ter­rit­ory, to cre­ate an inter­na­tion­al net­work and to hone my craft in col­lab­or­at­ive TV writ­ing. In this early stage I can already say that work­ing in the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket already feels like a viable option using the tools, know­ledge and net­work I have acquired in the pro­gramme so far. All of that, in addi­tion to the insight of some truly great tutors and the friend­ship and col­lab­or­a­tion with the oth­er par­ti­cipants, make the decision to attend the pro­gramme one that I am very happy with.

Geor­gia Fotou, Greece
At Seri­al Eyes I learned so much on char­ac­ter devel­op­ment and on cre­at­ing a strong story engine, how to cre­ate ori­gin­al point of views on themes already explored. I did­n’t expect that, I thought there was noth­ing new to be told! This train­ing is like a private ment­or­ship – the few attend­ants allow every­one to make the best of the pro­gram. In the end it’s like a new “fam­ily” of pro­fes­sion­als that really cares for each other.

Milica Živan­ović, Serbia
Seri­al Eyes put you into the spot­light, improve your writ­ing skills and teach how to prop­erly pitch – not just your pro­ject but your­self as a writer and cre­at­or. If you are open for a life-chan­ging jour­ney – apply for Seri­al Eyes.

Fabi­an Wal­len­fels, Germany
One year ago I applied for Seri­al Eyes for two reas­ons: to expand my pro­fes­sion­al net­work and to broaden my skills as a writer. Six months in I can already tell that the pro­gram exceeded my wild­est hopes – work­ing with the Seri­al Eyes ment­ors has been abso­lutely inspir­ing and the net­work is invalu­able. I recom­mend the pro­gram to every­one who wants to build a career in mod­ern series.