The DETECt Crime Series Webinar

Seri­al Eyes now offers a webin­ar on how to cre­ate crime series. This webin­ar is inten­ded for both begin­ning and advanced writers. In reg­u­lar weekly install­ments the Seri­al Eyes fac­ulty dis­cusses the fas­cin­a­tion of writ­ing crime and explains the main dram­at­ur­gic­al ele­ments that make up a good crime series. 

Epis­ode #1: Why We Watch Crime


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Epis­ode #2: The Clas­sic Police Procedural


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Epis­ode #3: The Invest­ig­at­ive Thriller


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Epis­ode #4: The Mob­ster Drama Part 1


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Epis­ode #5: The Mob­ster Drama Part 2


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Epis­ode #6: The Crim­in­al Protagonist


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Epis­ode #7: The Detect­ive Character


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Epis­ode #8: Writ­ing a TV Pitch Paper


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Epis­ode #9: Say­ing Some­thing About the World


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Epis­ode #10: Gender and Diversity


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Epis­ode #11: Diversity What Screen­writers Can Do


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