Laugh­ing Out Loud: Com­edy Mas­ter­class with John Vorhaus – A Jour­ney Through Com­ic Storytelling!

At Seri­al Eyes, we know that laughter is the best medicine—especially when it’s care­fully craf­ted by a mas­ter like John Vorhaus! In his recent mas­ter­class, our par­ti­cipants dove head­first into the sci­ence of funny. With con­cepts like “Clash of Con­text” and “Defeat of Expect­a­tion,” they dis­covered how to cre­ate char­ac­ters that are both hil­ari­ous and relat­able by apply­ing the “Com­ic Fil­ter.” It’s all about embra­cing their flaws, exag­ger­at­ing the truth, and find­ing the humor in humanity.

But it wasn’t all punch­lines and prat­falls. John also guided the group through the essen­tials of “Com­ic Storytelling.” From under­stand­ing the “Arc of Change” to blend­ing “Story and Theme,” par­ti­cipants learned how to turn quirky char­ac­ters into com­pel­ling nar­rat­ives that make audi­ences laugh and think. And as an extra bonus, John shared invalu­able wis­dom about the “Writer’s Life”—from nur­tur­ing your pas­sion to devel­op­ing writ­ing habits that keep the cre­at­ive juices flowing.

About John Vorhaus:
John Vorhaus, the mind behind icon­ic com­ic char­ac­ters like Radar Hov­er­lander (from his “sun­shine noir” nov­els), is not just a writer—he’s a com­edy wiz­ard! His books, includ­ing The Com­ic Tool­box and The Little Book of Sit­com, have inspired aspir­ing comedi­ans and screen­writers world­wide. When he’s not writ­ing, John is an inter­na­tion­al con­sult­ant, hav­ing worked on TV clas­sics like Mar­ried… with Chil­dren in Bul­garia and The Golden Girls in Israel. He’s even tackled social action dra­mas in Nicaragua. This is a man who knows how to mix humor with heart.