
Luisa Harden­berg


Luisa Harden­berg is born and raised in Ber­lin. She gradu­ated as Pro­du­cer from the Filmuni­versität Babels­berg “Kon­rad Wolf”. Luisa then star­ted work­ing as a staff writer for Germany’s most watched Daily Soap GUTE ZEITEN SCHLECHTE ZEITEN where she gathered first exper­i­ences in work­ing in a Writers’ Room. A couple of years later Luisa was look­ing for new chal­lenges, she wrote for dif­fer­ent shows and took part in the Seri­al Eyes Pro­gramme in 2018/2019. Since then she was a staff writer for the shows PARA – WIR SIND KING, MAPA and LIEBE​.JET​ZT!. Luisa is the Cre­at­or and Head­writer for the show PUSH, which you can watch on the ZDFmediathek.

Recent Cred­its:

Push, cre­at­or & head­writer, Bantry­Bay, ZDFNeo, Germany

Para – Wir sind King, staff writer, Wiedemann&Berg, TNT, Germany

MaPa, staff writer, readymade films, joyn/​rbb, Germany

Recent Credits:

  • MaPa, staff writer, readymade films, joyn, Germany
  • Der Bulle und das Biest, staff writer, Bantry Bay, Sat.1, Germany
  • Armans Geheimnis Staffel 2, staff writer, Prosaar, ARD, Germany


German, English
