
Mar­lene Melchior

United Kingdom

Mar­lene Mel­chi­or wrote on Amazon Prime’s inter­na­tion­al smash hit MAX­TON HALL Sea­son 1 and joined as co-head writer for the much anti­cip­ated Sea­son 2. She was head writer on indie break­out series LOV­ING HER Sea­son One and Two for ZDF Neo and Canal+. She cur­rently has her own idea in devel­op­ment with Net­flix and is staff­ing on a new series for Amazon/​MGM Stu­di­os. In the past she has writ­ten crime for ZDF’s SOKO HAM­BURG and has vari­ous pro­jects in devel­op­ment with Konstantin/​Olga Films, Rollem Pro­duc­tions (UK), UFA, Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion, Kick Pic­tures (US) and Made For.

In 2020 Mar­lene wrote and dir­ec­ted MAK­ING UNORTHO­DOX for Net­flixThe short doc was seen by 125 mil­lion view­ers and re-edited and aired on US broad­caster ABC prime­time half hour slot. Her first web series BIG­HEADS garnered mul­tiple prizes includ­ing Ber­lin and Brook­lyn Web­fest’s Best Female Com­edy, a RAIND­ANCE nom­in­a­tion for Best Inter­na­tion­al Series and 800 K + views. Before screen­writ­ing she worked in devel­op­ment at Such Much Films (LA) and later as a cor­res­pond­ent and con­tent manager/​executive pro­du­cer at radio sta­tions NPR Ber­lin and KCRW Ber­lin. She has  writ­ten for Aud­ible and Hein­rich Böll Stif­tung. Mar­lene com­pleted her BA in Lit­er­at­ure at the Uni­ver­sity of Sydney and her MA at Berlin’s Freie Universität.