
Ben Worsfield

Development Producer, Stolen Picture Productions (UK)

Ben is an award-win­ning Devel­op­ment Pro­du­cer with extens­ive exper­i­ence in scrip­ted TV and Radio for the UK and Inter­na­tion­al mar­kets. He has a strong track record of devel­op­ing, script edit­ing and pro­du­cing high qual­ity com­edy and drama with both emer­ging and estab­lished tal­ent. Ben strongly believes that the best time to start a new job is slap bang in the middle of a glob­al pan­dem­ic, and so he joined Stolen Pic­ture Pro­duc­tions as Seni­or Devel­op­ment Pro­du­cer in Septem­ber 2020. Pri­or to that, he was at Viac­om­CBS where he worked across the ori­gin­al scrip­ted con­tent slates for Com­edy Cent­ral UK and Para­mount Drama UK. He was a Broad­cast Hot­shot 2016 and has worked at King Bert Pro­duc­tions, NBCUni­ver­sal and Car­ni­val Films, devel­op­ing and pro­du­cing shows such as The Tri­al of Joan Collins (Sky), Quacks by BAF­TA-win­ning James Wood (BBC Two) star­ring Mat Baynton, Rory Kin­near, Tom Bas­den and Rupert Ever­ett, and three series of award-win­ning Love in Recov­ery by Pete Jack­son for BBC Radio 4, star­ring Rebecca Front, John Han­nah, Sue John­ston, Paul Kaye, Eddie Marsan and Johnny Vegas.