
Dekel Nitzan


Dekel Nitzan is an Israeli writer and dir­ect­or. He’s a Dean Hon­ours gradu­ate of The Steve Tisch School for Film & TV in Tel Aviv Uni­ver­sity and an alum­nus of the Ber­linale Tal­ents pro­gram.  His four short films have screened at vari­ous Film Fest­ivals around the world (such as Shang­hai, Montreal, Mil­ano, and Flick­ers: Rhode Island) and won sev­er­al awards. Recently, Dekel has star­ted work­ing as a tele­vi­sion screen­writer. He took part in writ­ing “Hasho­trim” (Line in the sand), one of “Kesh­et 12” most suc­cess­ful drama series in the past years. Later on, he col­lab­or­ated with dif­fer­ent pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies, devel­op­ing ideas and research mater­i­als into pro­pos­als. Nowadays Dekel is tak­ing part in devel­op­ing and writ­ing epis­odes for a new drama series pro­duced by “Movieplus” – one of Israel’s most renowned pro­duc­tion companies.