
Mag­gie Murphy

Co-head of Shaftesbury U.S., (USA)

Mag­gie Murphy is an inde­pend­ent Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer.  She worked 8 years for Shaft­es­bury U.S. and foun­ded the company’s Los Angeles-based divi­sion focused on devel­op­ment for the U.S., Cana­dian, and inter­na­tion­al mar­kets.  Her most recent pro­du­cing cred­it is the drama series HOUD­INI & DOYLE, from HOUSE cre­at­or Dav­id Shore, for Sony Pic­tures Tele­vi­sion. She sold it inter­na­tion­ally from its devel­op­ment­al incep­tion to FOX, SHAW, and ITV. It aired on all three net­works con­cur­rently and is now stream­ing on Amazon.

Mag­gie con­sul­ted 5 years at Uni­ver­sal Stu­di­os with Vin Diesel’s com­pany One Race and is cur­rently con­sult­ing for NETFLIX.

With more than 25 years of exper­i­ence in tele­vi­sion devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion, Murphy has developed with top tal­ent includ­ing Dar­ren Star (SEX IN THE CITY), Howard Gor­don (HOME­LAND), Diablo Cody (JUNO), Rob Thomas (VERON­ICA MARS), Ron Moore (OUT­LANDER), and many oth­ers. Ms. Murphy served as the devel­op­ment exec­ut­ive for Dav­id Kel­ley. While there she developed ALLY MCBEAL, THE PRAC­TICE and CHICA­GO HOPE.

Murphy also served as Seni­or Vice Pres­id­ent of Drama Devel­op­ment for CW where she super­vised the cre­ation, from incep­tion to series, of a vari­ety of shows, includ­ing VERON­ICA MARS. While there she also developed the USA Net­works hit IN PLAIN SIGHT. Before UPN/CW, Murphy served as Seni­or Vice Pres­id­ent at Regency TV where she helped cre­ate and devel­op top-rated series includ­ing ROSWELL, BERNIE MAC, and MAL­COM IN THE MIDDLE. Early in her career, she also worked in devel­op­ment at 20th Cen­tury Fox where she was involved in the devel­op­ment of X‑FILES, THE SIMPSONS, BUFFY THE VAM­PIRE SLAY­ER and many others.

Mag­gie Murphy teaches as a ten­ured Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or at LMU where she is the Head of the Cre­at­ive Pro­du­cing Pro­gram cre­at­ing the cur­riculum for a new pro­du­cers track emphas­is for under­gradu­ate and gradu­ate stu­dents in the School of Film & Tele­vi­sion. She pre­vi­ously taught in the UCLA Pro­du­cers Pro­gram for 10 years where she cre­ated innov­at­ive new classes in digit­al and stream­ing con­tent as well as courses in showrun­ning, busi­ness, and inter­na­tion­al co-productions.

She is the key­note speak­er and ment­ors extens­ively at pro­grams around the world, includ­ing MID­POINT (Prague), Seri­al Eyes (Ber­lin), Erich Pom­mer Insti­tute (Pots­dam), Sor­bonne Uni­ver­sity (Par­is), and the Sara­jevo Film Fest­iv­al. She ment­ors lead­ing and accom­plished pro­fes­sion­al film writers in all of the above pro­grams on how to write and devel­op for TV. She also helps to pack­age and sell some of the pro­jects she devel­ops, includ­ing BABY­LAND, which was chosen for the pres­ti­gi­ous C21 Media pitch list for drama in Lon­don, for the KMW Co-Pro­duc­tion Meet­ings in Kiev, and where it was chosen to go to the Ber­lin Film Fest­iv­al. This year it won the very pres­ti­gi­ous NDR Albatross Prize for Best TV series.

Mag­gie also works extens­ively in the Digit­al space incub­at­ing shows and set­ting them up on altern­ate plat­forms and shep­herd­ing them to television.

She has per­formed in over 100 the­at­ric­al pro­duc­tions in region­al theatre and tours through­out the US as well as dozens of epis­odes of TV.