
Tat­jana Samopjan

Creative Development Consultant (Sweden)

Tat­jana Sam­op­jan is a cre­at­ive con­sult­ant, lec­turer and coach spe­cial­ising in devel­op­ment of TV series, films and doc­u­ment­ar­ies. Tat­jana has worked with ACE Pro­du­cers, EAVE, European TV Drama Series Lab, Flanders Audi­ovisu­al Fund, Gothen­burg Film Fest­iv­al, Enter­tain­ment Mas­ter Class, Hel­sinki Script, The Neth­er­lands Film Academy, Inter­na­tion­al Film School Cologne, Uni­ver­sity of Tele­vi­sion and Film Munich, Seri­en­camp and many others.

Pre­vi­ous exper­i­ence includes roles as Head of Devel­op­ment at Pal­la­di­um Fic­tion, a Stock­holm-based pro­duc­tion com­pany and Story edit­or at Swedish Tele­vi­sion (SVT Drama). As a mem­ber of sev­er­al European advis­ory boards Tat­jana is involved in fin­an­cing new projects.

Tatjana’s ori­gin­al key­notes and lec­tures have been well-received all over Europe. They show unusu­al con­nec­tions between life and drama. In recent years her explor­a­tions of con­tem­plat­ive tra­di­tions have informed and deepened her way of work­ing with storytellers.