
Ludovico Pur­gatori


Born and raised in Rome, Ludovico Pur­gatori star­ted out his career as AD on cult series and films such as Gomor­rah – The Series, Sub­urra and Sense8, while pro­du­cing com­mer­cials and short films nom­in­ated for the pres­ti­gi­ous Itali­an Dav­id di Dona­tello and Nastri D’Argento awards.

2016 marks the begin­ning of a last­ing work­ing rela­tion­ship with dir­ect­or Stefano Sol­lima, which sees them col­lab­or­at­ing on inter­na­tion­al films such as Sicario: Day of the Soldado and Without Remorse, as well as the hit series ZeroZeroZero and the Cam­pari short film Legend of Red Hands star­ring Zoe Saldana.

Togeth­er with Sol­lima and Gina Gardini, he then foun­ded AlterEgo, which deb­uted in 2023 with the fea­ture film Adagio, pro­duced in col­lab­or­a­tion with The Apart­ment and dis­trib­uted by Vis­ion Dis­tri­bu­tion, com­pet­ing for the Golden Lion at the 80th Venice Film Fest­iv­al. AlterEgo’s second pro­duc­tion is the upcom­ing tele­vi­sion series Il Mostro, pro­duced along­side The Apart­ment for Net­flix. On both Adagio and The Mon­ster of Florence he acted both as Del­eg­ate Pro­du­cer for AlterEgo and Second Unit Director.

Recent Credits:

  • Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)
  • ZeroZeroZero (2020)
  • Without Remorse (2021)
  • Adagio (2023)
  • Il Mostro (2025)
  • Sugar Bandits (pre-production)


Italian, English, German, Spanish
