
Eszter Angy­alosy

Writer, Story Editor (Hungary)

Eszter is a Hun­gari­an screen­writer, story edit­or, and writ­ing tutor. She star­ted her career as an edit­or at a Hun­gari­an pub­lish­ing house before join­ing HBO Hun­gary as Devel­op­ment Edit­or in 2015. In the same year, her nov­el WON­DER­LAND was released. Until 2018, she worked with HBO on devel­op­ing a dozen ori­gin­al series in vari­ous genres. In 2018, she left the com­pany to start her freel­ance writ­ing career. She is one of the founders of the inter­na­tion­al TV devel­op­ment and pro­du­cing com­pany Joyrider. Since 2023 she has been Head of Stud­ies of TFL Series Lab and TFL Series Lab Tal­ents. Besides her col­lab­or­a­tions with Torino­FilmLab, she worked as a tutor, expert, or guest lec­turer with dif­fer­ent inter­na­tion­al asso­ci­ations and screen­writ­ing pro­grams, such as Rac­conti, Eureka Series, the MA Seri­al Storytelling at ifs Köln, or the Amer­ic­an Stowe Story Labs. Her writ­ing cred­its include TV dra­mas, short and fea­ture films, and doc­u­ment­ary pro­jects.