
Drishya Gau­tham


Drishya is a Tamil Writer-Dir­ect­or and Cre­at­ive Pro­du­cer based in Goa, India. Most recently, she worked as a Devel­op­ment Exec­ut­ive with Amazon Prime Video and was instru­ment­al in com­mis­sion­ing ori­gin­al series for 4 South Indi­an mar­kets. She is the Co-Cre­at­or of MEME BOYS, a col­lege com­edy series on Indi­an stream­ing giant SonyLiv. A digit­al-nat­ive cre­at­or, Drishya has worked as Cre­at­ive Pro­du­cer for new-age online con­tent stu­di­os, cre­at­ing and devel­op­ing ori­gin­al IP. In 2018, she co-cre­ated and wrote SPEAK EASY, an indie slice-of-life series about mod­ern dat­ing. She is also a Part­ner and Cre­at­ive Pro­du­cer at Stray Fact­ory, an award-win­ning inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pany whose inter­na­tion­al co-pro­duc­tions have screened at top fest­ivals like IFFR, Busan, New Directors/​New Films by MoMA, and Amer­ic­an Film Insti­tute amongst oth­ers. . Her dir­ect­ori­al debut short received a Ger­man impact-based grant, was made with a 90% female crew, and received 3 nom­in­a­tions at the Indi­an Crit­ics’ Choice Awards. Drishya is pas­sion­ate about telling rad­ic­ally authen­t­ic, femme-for­ward South Asi­an stor­ies for the new glob­al audience.