
Toni Weiss

Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Story-Consultant (Austria)

Toni Weiss is an award-win­ning writer-dir­ect­or for more than 30 years, work­ing on fea­ture films, doc­u­ment­ar­ies, short films, music videos and com­mer­cials as well as char­ac­ter animation. 

In fea­ture film, Toni was Head Of Story on WEL­COME TO SIEGHEILKIRCHEN, an anim­ated smash hit for Oscar-win­ning pro­du­cer Joseph Aich­holzer, and 2nd Unit Dir­ect­or on Oscar win­ner Stefan Ruzow­itzky’s ALL THE QUEEN’S MEN. He is also the writer-dir­ect­or for the upcom­ing hor­ror film DADDY, based on his multi-award-win­ning hor­ror short of the same name. Recent screen­plays include THE STA­TION, a hor­ror film for Stu­dio Babels­berg, 8 SHOTS, an action drama for Sam­sara Film, ROCK ME AMADEUS, AUS­TRO­NAUTEN, and TOUCHED BY THE GODS, a Y/A music­al adven­ture for Lieblingsfilm.

For the last 15 years, he has also worked as a story con­sult­ant. As a story instruct­or, he has taught at SAE Wien, Filmschule Wien, at True Max Anim­a­tion Col­lege Kopen­ha­gen, Illusk­ills, Werbe Sum­mit Wien, Digit­al Future Circle, Con­tent World Ham­burg, Pixel Fest­iv­al Vienna and at DFFB & both IFS and Seri­al Eyes, Cologne.