
Lucy Rawl­in­son

Head of Development (UK)

Lucy joined Monu­ment­al Tele­vi­sion as Head of Devel­op­ment in 2021, over­see­ing pro­jects at all stages of devel­op­ment across their diverse TV slate. Pri­or to Monu­ment­al, she was a freel­ance Script Edit­or and Story Pro­du­cer across a range of pro­duc­tions, includ­ing HIS DARK MATER­I­ALS S2 (Bad Wolf for BBC and HBO), BAD SIS­TERS (Mer­man for Apple TV +) and A TOWN CALLED MALICE (Ver­tigo Film for Sky). She also spent a num­ber of years work­ing in-house at Big Light Pro­duc­tions, script edit­ing three sea­sons of MEDICI for RAI and Net­flix. Lucy began her career over a dec­ade ago at Shine Drama, work­ing on the fam­ily fantasy drama MER­LIN for BBC 1.