
Vegard S. Eriksen

Executive producer (Norway)

Vegard worked as Head of Drama for NRK dur­ing pro­duc­tion of the mini-series Eye­wit­ness (2014) and Struggle for Life.  Vegard is Cand. Philol. from the Uni­ver­sity of Trond­heim, but is also trained as a teach­er from his early years. His skills in TV drama and pro­duc­tion include work­ing as an edit­or in all genres, dir­ect­ing sev­er­al doc­u­ment­ar­ies, devel­op­ing drama series and finally end­ing up as Exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer at NRK. He’s the showrun­ner, pro­du­cer and cre­at­or of Mam­mon 1 and 2 (2014–2016) and exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer of Mam­mon, Sea­son 3 (2017- ).