
Jan­ina Dahse


Jan­ina is a writer, dir­ect­or and exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer with a pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence of almost 20 years. Her work as a writer and dir­ect­or of award-win­ning short films has brought her to many red car­pets of inter­na­tion­al film fest­ivals. And her work for unscrip­ted tele­vi­sion and shows has taken her to extraordin­ary places like run-down cook­shops in Nairobi, whale watch­ing in Christ­ch­urch and the showstage of The Voice of Ger­many. She holds a dip­loma in Film Dir­ect­ing from the Uni­ver­sity of Tele­vi­sion and Film Munich and is cur­rently work­ing as a writer on series and mini series for ZDF, Net­flix and BR / MDR / arte.

Recent Credits:

  • Helena. Die künstliche Intelligenz, screenwriter, web-series for BR, MDR, ARTE, Bilderfest GmbH
  • Untitled project, screenwriter, mini series for ZDF, Dreamtool Entertainment
  • Else's Calling, co-creator/screenwriter, drama series for Maze Pictures


Writer, German
