
Nuno Soler


Nuno Soler is a screen­writer from Lis­bon, Por­tugal, gradu­ated in Writ­ing for Cinema and Tele­vi­sion at Van­couver Film School. His first fea­ture film WOLF CHILD was nom­in­ated for the Méliès d’Ar­gent Award for Best European Fea­ture. Nuno has also cre­ated and wrote the antho­logy series LUS­ITÂNIA which was nom­in­ated for the Best European Script Award at the Geneva Inter­na­tion­al Film Fest­iv­al. His upcom­ing pro­jects include a co-pro­duc­tion between Por­tugal and Italy with the fantasy chil­dren’s film ORI­ANA and a in-devel­op­ment TV show TERESA, A INFANTA, a medi­ev­al comedy.