
Juli­ana Yling Tu


Juli­ana Yling Tu is a Brazili­an-Chinese-Por­tuguese screen­writer based in Lon­don. After work­ing in Music­al Theatre, Events and Con­certs Pro­duc­tion for many years, one fate­ful day after search­ing for a spe­cif­ic brand of tomato soup for a fam­ous sing­er triggered an exist­en­tial crisis, she decided to finally fol­low her dreams of becom­ing a screen­writer. Juli­ana moved to Canada and stud­ied Screen­writ­ing at Van­couver Film School spe­cial­ising in Writ­ing for TV. Back in Brazil, she worked as a writer­’s room assist­ant and was quickly pro­moted to staff writer on the fantasy/​dark com­edy series WANDER for Warner Bros. Dis­cov­ery, set to be released in late 2024. Juli­ana likes to tell emotional/​comedic stor­ies using non-real­ist­ic ele­ments, often from sci-fi or fantasy. When not writ­ing or watch­ing her favour­ite TV shows, she is prob­ably read­ing, watch­ing a music­al, or pet­ting someone’s dog.