
Midterm Pitch 2018

Right back from the New Year’s hol­i­days, our par­ti­cipants got the chance to put their pro­jects to the test for the first time in front of our part­ners at the annu­al sum­mit event. They presen­ted their series – this year again a rich mix of dif­fer­ent genres – in their cur­rent devel­op­ment state and got valu­able feed­back from core tutors and part­ners: Frank Spot­nitz (Big Light Pro­duc­tions), TV writers Ben Har­ris, Nic­ola Lusuardi and Cyril Tysz, Luke Frank­lin (Yel­low Bird UK), Roberto Amor­oso (Sky Italia), Jimmy Des­marais (Atlantique Pro­duc­tions), Piod­or Gust­afs­son (Spark Film&TV), Mat­thieu Viala (Makever), Hen­ning Kamm (Real Film), Aman­dine Maudet (Vivendi), Domi­n­ique Jubin (Stu­di­ocanal), Dan Lawson (Lon­don Film School), Ben Gib­son and Kath­rin Osterndorff (dffb).
Thank you to our friends and part­ners for their sup­port and feed­back! Our par­ti­cipants came away from the event with new ideas and much inspir­a­tion. And now, let’s nail that pilot!