
Ruddy-Wil­li­ams Kabuiku, win­ner of last year’s appren­tice­ship at Big Light Pro­duc­tions tells us about his experience

We asked alum­nus Ruddy-Wil­li­ams Kabuiku, win­ner of last year’s appren­tice­ship at Big Light Pro­duc­tions, to tell us about his exper­i­ence work­ing with Frank Spot­nitz and his team.

SE: What did you do at Big Light Productions? 
R: I had a great time at Big Light. Frank, Luke, Rhona and the rest of the staff made sure I felt at home. And it worked! Dur­ing my time in Lon­don, I vis­ited the writers’ room of sea­son three of Medici: Mas­ters of Florence. I worked on an undis­closed pro­ject as script edit­or for anoth­er writer. And finally, I had a back­ground role in Ransom sea­son two. I read story areas, out­lines and offered feed­backs. In those dif­fer­ent set-ups, I got to wit­ness the import­ance of the script edit­or, who was there to chal­lenge the writer on the story side and to reas­sure the pro­du­cers or the network.
SE: What did you take away from that experience?
R: I real­ized that Seri­al Eyes was an awe­some train­ing. I nev­er felt uneasy dur­ing the appren­tice­ship because I was ready. I also learned that net­work calls are price­less: that’s where the viewer’s expect­a­tions and the writer’s vis­ion are being discussed.

SE: Why should writers do this apprenticeship?
R: I think writers should do this to see how it works from the inside, to know how pro­du­cers and com­mis­sion­ers think. The key to be(coming) an estab­lished writer is to know from which angle a pro­ject should be approached in order to cre­ate interest.