
Seri­al Eyes at Coco 2017

In early Novem­ber, Seri­al Eyes hos­ted three lec­tures at Con­nec­tion Cottbus (CoCo), the East–West Co-Pro­duc­tion Mar­ket at the Cottbus Filmfest­iv­al. On Novem­ber 8, SE tutor and co-pro­duc­tion expert Jan Ben­nemann provided an over­view of fin­an­cing mod­els for TV series, the respect­ive roles of pro­du­cers and fin­an­ci­ers, and their expect­a­tions. After­wards, SE alumna Jana Burbach (SE 2014/15) dis­cussed series devel­op­ment by provid­ing ten use­ful tips and prac­tic­al examples from her recent exper­i­ences as head writer. On the final day of CoCo, Klaus Zim­mer­mann gave a key note on the future of the European tele­vi­sion. We are grate­ful to Klaus, Jana and Jan for rep­res­ent­ing the Seri­al Eyes Pro­gramme, and we wish to thank the CoCo team for the fruit­ful cooper­a­tion and their lovely hospitality.