
A Very Spe­cial Study Trip: Series Mania!

This was the first year that we’ve atten­ded Series Mania with Seri­al Eyes. This year’s edi­tion in Lille was a great suc­cess by all accounts. Pri­or to the event, our par­ti­cipants had the assign­ment to reach out to pro­du­cers and com­mis­sion­ing edit­ors and set up indi­vidu­al meet­ings. All in all, this worked very well. The spa­cious meet­ing floor at the Grand Pal­ais in Lille was incred­ibly con­du­cive to these types of meet-ups. The par­ti­cipants came away from the event with a rolo­dex full of new con­tacts and a new-found swagger.

Alumni were also rep­res­en­ted in full force. Juan Ort­iz (SE 2016–2017) and Laura Grace (SE 2015–2016) were part of the Writers’ Cam­pus. Jana Burbach (SE 2014–2015) and Alex­an­der Lindh (SE 2013–2014) led three writers’ rooms that exposed fest­iv­al attendees to the dynam­ics of a real-life writers’ room. Jana and Sul­li­van Le Postec (SE 2013–2014) were part of the pan­el “My First TV show”, dis­cuss­ing their respect­ive shows Just Push Abuba and Les Engagés. On the “Film Schools” pan­el, Alex­an­der Lindh talked about Seri­al Eyes and  Harry Ayi­ot­is (SE 2017–2018) presen­ted Mid­point TV Launch. First Love, the digit­al series Dean Movshovitz (SE 2017–2018) had developed as part of a writers’ room before his time at Seri­al Eyes, won in the Short Form Series Competition.

We’d like to thank Lor­raine Sul­li­van, Fre­der­ic Lav­igne, Francesco Cap­urro and the entire team at Series Mania for their incred­ible sup­port, and we wish them all the best for the next edi­tion in 2019!