
Tanja Piller

Senior Manager Development Editorial, Original Production Scripted at Sky Television Germany

Tanja Piller is Seni­or Man­ager Devel­op­ment Edit­or­i­al at Ori­gin­al Pro­duc­tion Scrip­ted at Sky Tele­vi­sion Ger­many. At Sky, she’s respons­ible for Acquis­i­tions, Identi­fy­ing IPs as well as Scout­ing and Work­ing with New Tal­ent. Tanja has a pro­found back­ground in TV Devel­op­ment and the Scrip­ted Genre. Hav­ing been a Cre­at­ive Pro­du­cer and Head of Devel­op­ment for Germany’s all-in-pro­duc­tion and a Devel­op­ment Exec­ut­ive at Tan­dem Pro­duc­tions, a Stu­di­ocanal Com­pany, she has gained a vast of exper­i­ence in nation­al and inter­na­tion­al TV pro­duc­tions, devel­op­ing for the Ger­man, US, UK and French mar­ket. Next to devel­op­ment, Tanja has also ana­lyzed key TV mar­kets and has great exper­i­ence in In-House Cast­ing as well as Music Super­vi­sion, one of her passions.