
Kater­ina Papanastasatou


Kater­ina Papa­nastasatou is a writer and dir­ect­or based in Athens, Greece. She holds degrees in Polit­ic­al Sci­ence and Act­ing. As a screen­writer, she has developed 82 epis­odes for TV chan­nels SKAI, OPEN, and ANT1, and served as a story consultant/​editor on the fea­ture A SIMPLE MAN (dir. T. Gerakinis). In theat­er, she has adap­ted 6 plays and co-writ­ten 1 ori­gin­al, and has dir­ec­ted 4 pro­duc­tions while assist­ing in 12 oth­ers. Her short film FAULT premiered at the 44th DISFF and was recently fea­tured in 13 theat­ers nation­wide dur­ing “Greek Cinema Day,” organ­ized by the Greek Film Cen­ter. She recently con­trib­uted as a co-screen­writer, co-dir­ect­or, and exec­ut­ive pro­du­cer to the fea­ture film THE ROOST­ER that has just com­pleted shoot­ing. Kater­ina is pas­sion­ate about com­edy and cur­rently works as a screen­writer and script consultant.